Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Things Are FINALLY Falling Into Place

Things are finally falling into place….

Ive been nervous. All has not been well with a lot of the people that I care about. There are a few key people in my life that have been struggling. I have been struggling. I have been trying to make it all happen- and its been killing me. One of my closest friends has been a mess- and its been tough to see this amazing individual lose her strength. Its really tough for me to see my friends struggle – but its been prevalent throughout the last few months. THAT’S LIFE.

Yet in the last few days- one of my friends got some action on her birthday, another is smiling for the first time in months following a shattered heart- and someone else very close to me just found something REAL. That’s all I can say regarding specifics.

Houston has been interesting- ive met some really amazing friends. I was terrified of leaving Jackson but its been a wild ride down in h-town. I have enjoyed being SINGLE- even though im never alone. Im far too ADD for that.  Im ready to shut off my phone and LET GO of it. I mean the feeling when you are alone waiting for someone and you just grab your phone to distract yourself- NO MORE- its time for me to just take in my surroundings and enjoy every minute of it. Im going to substitute my phone with a journal and write down everything that’s worth writing. Ill probably do a fair amount of doodling as well…

Im selling my car on WEDNESDAY~ “the fo” if you will. I love my car more than I like most people. Weve been through shit together- and at some points in my life it was my ONLY sanctuary. Im going to miss the FO but its time to let go of a few things in my life. There are so many things that I cant control. There is a lot of turmoil in certain relationships in my life- and I hate it. I just avoid it.

Ive spent my time with my favorites- Louise is a perfect example. Just people who love me for who I am and what im about to do and for what ive been doing all along- LIVING.

The thing about life is that it goes by so quickly. I don’t want to get married at 25 and pop out kids by the time im 27. It sounds miserable. I know that there are a lot of happy people that have amazing lives- but SOME parents of 9 year olds are totally over it. They are just looking for ANYTHING to distract them from the routine. Im sure that im pissing someone off right now – but whatevs its just my perspective.

I hate the idea of falling OUT of love- I never want that to happen to me… again. It’s the worst feeling in the world. Im far too proud to let someone do that to me again. It’s the inner Leo in me. ROAR.

ANYWAY – back to the bright side of life.

I have been having so much fun with Caroline. We have laughed more in the last 3 days than I have in my entire time in Houston. I have LOVED living on Driscoll. Amazing neighbors- an awesome house – and it just feels like home. I am officially obsessed with watching the Bachelorette- which is so lame- but hey im in Houston- what the EF else am I going to do? Louise has been my heart and soul- I will always be fond of Houston specifically because its is where Louise will always call home.

I love SWIMMING all the time- while its nothing like running up the snake river (with B & A – back in the day) and running upstream and floating downstream while the dogs go nuts- jumping off a diving board is SO MUCH FUN. Especially when my top DOESN’T fall off. Extra bonus!!! (sparkley wiggles!!)

Anyway – the whole rant here is that I’m happy. I’m excited. I’m SO READY to embark on this amazing journey. Apparently im off to find Mad Max.

The most important part for me though is not having to stress about my 3 being happy again. Tier 1- you are so wonderful- keep doing what your doing. Inspirational Wondergirl – I hope that I can always be there for you- even though I am going to be far away- and thank you. And for the third- ive already said what I needed to say- the message has always been the same- im crazy about you- I always have been and I always will be.

Today has been the most amazing day.


PS- I get to see harry potter tomorrow with CEH, Louise and Annalcia – JEALOUS????

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