Sunday, January 3, 2010


I've always been a runner.

When I was in costa rica i would always get fussed at by my friends because I just have a naturally fast pace. OK scratch that, I would be the one that was totally annoyed that my friends were walking SOOO FUCKING SLOW. Some people see it as a flaw, but if you know me- you just know, its who I am.

Im loud, and i CANT HELP IT. So I walk fast, is it MY FAULT that god gave me perfect legs????

EN SERIO- I just prefer my life quasi-hectic. Before i left for Costa Rica, I was working at least 12 shifts per week at 2 different jobs. Thats like 70 hours a week of work. Some days I was at my first job at 7AM and left my 2nd job at 12:45 AM.

These days, I have to run a minimum of three miles per day to keep my sanity. And I have to do AT LEAST 15 pull-ups. I run hungover, directly after smoking a cigarette, buzzed, whatever- I just love to run. People ask me how... and all I can tell you is that I have a lot of HEART when it comes to running. Its in my genetics. I recently heard that my cousin Genevieve had all of here toenails surgically removed because she runs so many marathons. Her reasoning is apparently that they just get in the way. The toenails that is.

Im almost ready to fly away again. See, i like to run and i love to fly away. Im not so big on airports, people on flights, airplane food, security, time constraints or airplanes in general - but it is the easiest way for me to get where i want to go. Tonight i started looking at flights back to Costa Rica. It will cost me about $500 to get back, but it seems worth it to me.

Ive been waiting tables, which has kept my spanish fresh. I find myself talking in spanish WAYYYY more than english these days... and of course I say "doble frijoles, no arroz porfa" or "dame chips y salsa AHORITA!!!", more than the usual banter- but it helps. Of course I make sure to say "que la verga!" cada dia.

I'm thinking that I want to divide my time between Central America and Jackson Hole.

What a life.

If 3creek will have me (I mean- COME ON, TIGER WOODS IS A MEMBER), I will work there during the summers and then work "costa rica summer" for the rest of the year. Its a dream, its a start, and its ALL MINE for the taking.

Every morning I wake up and am slightly depressed that I'm not back in Santa T. Or nicaragua for that matter. I totally miss Casa Feliz. FURTHERMORE - I am CRAVING the simple life, and Im ready to start working for it. My last trip was 3 months of borracha, surf and fun. I obviously want to continue this lifestyle- but with a paycheck.

Im ready to surf until my ribs pop out of place- and then keep on surfing, Im ready to see my AMIGOS. I cant wait to run in the sand... even at high tide. Im ready for the gallo pinto diet and the *occasional* Imperial. Im ready for bikinis, guapos, pizza tomate, D&N, motos, BICI's, my GIRLS from Argentina, Nano y Quique, rastas y CREEPY. And DJ nightnurse of course!

So watch out PUTOS, I might be doing something sporadic in the near future.

BACKUP PLAN: heading up to jackson hole in february to ride some pow and drink some PBRs.

WORK AT 1030 AM.